Central Surrey Health becomes CSH Surrey

July 2013

Central Surrey Health has re-branded as CSH Surrey as it seeks to grow and diversify its services.

The change was part of a wider branding programme to help people better understand what CSH Surrey is and the services it provides. We knew from research that patients were confused about who provided NHS services locally. However, CSH Surrey’s patients also regularly told us, through patient surveys, that CSH Surrey provides high quality services.

CSH Surrey therefore wanted to communicate more clearly what CSH stands for and to develop a new visual identity that better communicated this, so patients find it easier to understand and differentiate CSH Surrey and its services. We also wanted to be able to create an overall Group structure that would enable CSH Surrey to grow and diversify, thus enabling more people to benefit from its high quality services in the future.

The wider branding programme also focused on creating a more patient-centred culture – through the creation of new behaviours that CSH Surrey expects of its employees. These behaviours were defined by patients themselves through a CSH Surrey-wide ‘Listening Project’ that was run in February 2013. The behaviours reflect what patients said was most important to them having great experiences of CSH Surrey’s services. These behaviours are now used to recruit, appraise and develop CSH Surrey’s co-owners.

What does CSH stand for? 

The letters ‘CSH’ don’t stand for anything, but provide a link to the organisation’s heritage as Central Surrey Health.

What is the CSH Surrey logo?​ 

The logo is a gemstone – an amethyst – which in medieval times was associated with calming and healing properties. Gemstones are associated with quality, thus representing the high quality services delivered by CSH Surrey. The gem logo also represents openness and transparency, the importance of strong partnerships inside and outside of CSH Surrey in delivering high quality services, and the multi-dimensional services that CSH Surrey provides – as represented through the gem’s many facets.

What does the strapline mean? 

The strapline ‘Better healthcare together’ is in three parts: ‘Better together’ expresses the importance of partnerships to how CSH Surrey delivers it healthcare services; ‘Healthcare’ is the sector in which CSH Surrey operates; and ‘Better healthcare’ is what patients want.